Wednesday 27 April 2011

Development and demo of our zombie make-up..

The 'zombie look' was one of the main make-up decisions we faced. We looked at various images of other people's zombie/ scary make-up, from the internet, and came to our conclusion. These images show our research into zombie make-up and the different ideas we discussed. Below each picture is a brief description of why/why we didn't like it.
We liked the grey textured tone to this make-up- it really dulled it down and gave that 'dead' look we were going for.

We thought that this one was a bit too colourful and may take your eye from the rest of the production. But we agreed that the emphasis on the eyes was good.

Again, we agreed that this was still too coloured (and prefered the grey look) But what we did like from this photo was the contact lenses. They really add that scary touch to the make-up!

From this photo, we loved how the raised areas made the piece look realistic and gave a crusty, worn texture. From researching into how this was created- we found that the girl had used toilet tissue and glue. This technique would be cheap and easy to do!

We then put all the factors we liked from each image and created our first demo of our zombie make-up.

This is a black and white photo we took of our demo of this make-up. We liked how it gave the dead look instantly and was clear to the viewers that it was a rotting zombie.

This is another photo in colour we took of the demo. We did like the idea of contact lenses (but at the time we did not have any- but we knew it would work very well) As I said before, this was only our first attempt!  

When it came to the costume design, we decided keep it simple, cheap and not 'too much'. We brought some plain, dark coloured t-shirts and covered them in soil and dirt, this gave a great, dirty effect on the clothes. We put a bit of red tomato ketchup on some of the shirts- just to give it a bit more attention and to draw your eye.
Part of our idea was to keep it simple, as then the storyline fits in with the costume By this we mean that because the zombies are meant to be in the girl's imagination- we wanted them to be slightly realistic. As we wanted them to look partly like normal people, they wore jeans or 'normal' trousers on the bottom half.
This costume worked well and was alot cheaper to create and use.

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