Thursday 28 April 2011

Filming in Progress..

We took these photos during the days we spent filming.
 Here is a list of the full cast & crew who have helped us create our production:

Jodie Clark- Make up, Costume, & Actress (zombie & pathologist)
Mollie White- Director
Jade Rainbow- Main Actress (girl)
Chloe Roche- Camera woman
 (The names above are the main team who take Media A.level)

Georgina Brookes- Actress (zombie)
Elena Mcgregor- Actress (zombie)
Elle Ireland- Actress (zombie)
Evalene Jervis- Actress (zombie)
Sam Usher- Actor (zombie)
Kanupriya Bij- Actress (zombie)
Charlotte Jupp- Actress (doctor greenwood)
Meera Mistry- Actress (drug dealer)

(From Left to Right) Sam, Kanupriya, Georgina, Evalene, Elena and Elle. This is a photo of what they all looked like on the day and ready for filming.

(From Left to Right) Elena, Kanupriya, Evalene, Georgina, Elle and Sam.

Jodie and Jade- Behind the scenes doing the make-up.


Wednesday 27 April 2011

Development and demo of our zombie make-up..

The 'zombie look' was one of the main make-up decisions we faced. We looked at various images of other people's zombie/ scary make-up, from the internet, and came to our conclusion. These images show our research into zombie make-up and the different ideas we discussed. Below each picture is a brief description of why/why we didn't like it.
We liked the grey textured tone to this make-up- it really dulled it down and gave that 'dead' look we were going for.

We thought that this one was a bit too colourful and may take your eye from the rest of the production. But we agreed that the emphasis on the eyes was good.

Again, we agreed that this was still too coloured (and prefered the grey look) But what we did like from this photo was the contact lenses. They really add that scary touch to the make-up!

From this photo, we loved how the raised areas made the piece look realistic and gave a crusty, worn texture. From researching into how this was created- we found that the girl had used toilet tissue and glue. This technique would be cheap and easy to do!

We then put all the factors we liked from each image and created our first demo of our zombie make-up.

This is a black and white photo we took of our demo of this make-up. We liked how it gave the dead look instantly and was clear to the viewers that it was a rotting zombie.

This is another photo in colour we took of the demo. We did like the idea of contact lenses (but at the time we did not have any- but we knew it would work very well) As I said before, this was only our first attempt!  

When it came to the costume design, we decided keep it simple, cheap and not 'too much'. We brought some plain, dark coloured t-shirts and covered them in soil and dirt, this gave a great, dirty effect on the clothes. We put a bit of red tomato ketchup on some of the shirts- just to give it a bit more attention and to draw your eye.
Part of our idea was to keep it simple, as then the storyline fits in with the costume By this we mean that because the zombies are meant to be in the girl's imagination- we wanted them to be slightly realistic. As we wanted them to look partly like normal people, they wore jeans or 'normal' trousers on the bottom half.
This costume worked well and was alot cheaper to create and use.

Developing further with our film...Taking roles and responsibilities...

Putting all our ideas together wasn't too hard. We sat down and discussed all the issues that had been raised while creating and soon linked it all together.

We found working as a team that if we all take specific roles or sections of the work- it would even the work load. We all worked together on the blogs- each of us putting in a shared effort. When it came to filming, this was when we seperated out..
   Chloe was to be mainly in charge of the camera, making sure the angles and shots matched our plans and sketches.
   Jade agreed to star as the main role in our production. She then was reliable and helped us from an actor's perspective. She had previous experience of acting and performing, which was additional to her choosing this role.
  I (Jodie) chose to focus more on the hair, make-up, & costume design when filming our production. I personally enjoy this, and have experience with face painting and costume design- so this section suited me rather well! My job was to make sure that all the make-up was correct on the day, and to make sure that there was no differences between different days of filming.
 Mollie, therefore was director of the team. She made sure that it all linked together and 'directed' us as we filmed. We agreed that in every production- you always need one person to lead and to make decisions.  Mollie was more than happy to accept the job!

These were not 'set in stone' jobs, we jumbled around and obviously helped eachother. But this at least gave us something to focus on and something to control when filming was in process.

A review of the answers they gave in the video..

a) The most important thing that we have found with these peoples answers in comparison to our film are most positive and it seems we have a large demographic that respond to our idea.
b) When it came to genre, there was a lot of want for comedy. This is something that is backed up by the  idea of escapism that was motioned in why people watched films. At the same time it revealed that even these people that enjoyed comedy also liked our idea and this means that people although they liking one form of genre they also consider other genres. Horror is another favourable genre when it comes to the people we asked and this makes us satisfied that our idea would appeal to a large demographic.
c) When it came to what people wanted from the opening sequences of a film, they agreed practically unanimously that the opening sequence has to contain first and foremost something to engage the audience and keep them interested. Something that nearly all of them seemed to be interested with is that there has got to be something in the film that will be explained later, something that needs to make sense to the plot but not necessarily to the audience though.
d) Another thing that we got was that most people don't watch loads of films, some people will go so far to watch only one or two films a year. This means that any film that we would have to make would have to engage ten fold to the audience, to make the appeal of the film such that out of a couple of films it would the one that would like to see.

All in all we think the results back up our film idea and we are therefore pleased with the prospect of making our film idea. We also now realized that we have got to focus on introducing the character of DR Greenwood as well as:
a) including enough action to make the film exiting
b) to provide a few questions that will later on be explained, something which will engage the audience.
c) enough scary moments to create the horror theme

Research for our film...(church)

As we now had a guideline of what we wanted for our film, as a group, we then looked at locations and where we could shoot it from. As we discussed this, a church location popped up alot. After a while we decided to have a look at various local churches- to then visualise our film and expanding on our ideas...

This is a photograph we took of the sign of the church in Old Windsor.

We could really visualise our production being filmed in this location.

This is a photo of the alleyway behind the church. We agreed that this looked perfect for our film!

With the many gravestones around the church- it would link very well to our zombie idea. Obviously, we would be very respectful when filming around this area.

Plot line

This would be the short paragraph explaining briefly the story- to attract the viewers and make them want to watch it. For Example, this could be on the back of the DVD.

They said it was a drug to cure all disease. And to everyone else it was. Dr Greenwood was beginning to suspect otherwise. But with the whole world crying out for a cure can you really question it?

Soon the body's were mounting up. Curious death after curious death. Suicides and accidents,with seemingly one common factor. The "Cure"

Greenwood will now have to delve into a world of black market drugs, suspicious doctors and corporations out for money, before the drug hits general release and puts the whole world in danger.

Final Idea...

When looking at the horror section of our research we quickly felt a great liking towards zombies for a couple of different reasons:

a) They are one of the most well known creatures in a horror film.
b) Zombies are simply dead humans that have a thirst for human blood and flesh so they will be quite easy to replicate with simple makeup, costume and acting.
c) They are in some ways the most obviously scary creatures and therefore won't have to be explained as everyone is already scared of them on the principle that they are scary.

Now that we had the idea that we wanted more than anything to make our film with the inclusion of zombies we then thought about how they could be included and how we could capture a thriller theme. It was merging the idea together that we came up with the idea for our film that is follows:

During the period of the film (which is going to be set over a year) the government and a large drug corporation are testing and then releasing a new drug that will cure all disease. The drug at first is only open to test subjects but by the end of the year it will be released, for large sums of money, to the general public. At the start of the film the effects of the drugs are already being seen as with its release on to the black market it is giving drug addicts hallucinations of being chased by zombies. The problem is that once they have taken the drug every month on the dot they get for twenty-four hours hallucinations that they are being chased by zombies and in some cases they end up committing suicide or having terrible accidents. After the twenty-four hours is up they don't remember anything of what has happened to them in the past twenty four hours, all they know is they can no longer catch disease.
The film then follows the investigation of a pathologist, Dr Greenwood, who grows suspicious when every month at the same time he has to deal with the suspicious deaths that he then learns have all taken the "cure". He then ends up trying to stop the drug being released into the general public but has to fight the government that have claimed his killed someone and is a spy and the drug corporation who have sent hit men after him. He ends up having to blow up the drug company.

What's included in a Horror/Thriller Film?

We made a list of all things assosiated/ included in thriller films:

Suspense                              Climax
Tension                                  Police
Exitement                              Detectives
Pschyological                       Mystery  
Political                                 Film Noir
Paranoid                              Tradegy
Ransoms                              Conspiracy
Captives                               Legal thriller 
Heists                                    Erotic Thriller
Revenge                               Medical Thriller
Kidnappings                        Religous Thriller
Investigations                       Techno Thriller
Mind games                        
Death- traps
False accusations