Wednesday 27 April 2011

Final Idea...

When looking at the horror section of our research we quickly felt a great liking towards zombies for a couple of different reasons:

a) They are one of the most well known creatures in a horror film.
b) Zombies are simply dead humans that have a thirst for human blood and flesh so they will be quite easy to replicate with simple makeup, costume and acting.
c) They are in some ways the most obviously scary creatures and therefore won't have to be explained as everyone is already scared of them on the principle that they are scary.

Now that we had the idea that we wanted more than anything to make our film with the inclusion of zombies we then thought about how they could be included and how we could capture a thriller theme. It was merging the idea together that we came up with the idea for our film that is follows:

During the period of the film (which is going to be set over a year) the government and a large drug corporation are testing and then releasing a new drug that will cure all disease. The drug at first is only open to test subjects but by the end of the year it will be released, for large sums of money, to the general public. At the start of the film the effects of the drugs are already being seen as with its release on to the black market it is giving drug addicts hallucinations of being chased by zombies. The problem is that once they have taken the drug every month on the dot they get for twenty-four hours hallucinations that they are being chased by zombies and in some cases they end up committing suicide or having terrible accidents. After the twenty-four hours is up they don't remember anything of what has happened to them in the past twenty four hours, all they know is they can no longer catch disease.
The film then follows the investigation of a pathologist, Dr Greenwood, who grows suspicious when every month at the same time he has to deal with the suspicious deaths that he then learns have all taken the "cure". He then ends up trying to stop the drug being released into the general public but has to fight the government that have claimed his killed someone and is a spy and the drug corporation who have sent hit men after him. He ends up having to blow up the drug company.

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