Wednesday 27 April 2011

A review of the answers they gave in the video..

a) The most important thing that we have found with these peoples answers in comparison to our film are most positive and it seems we have a large demographic that respond to our idea.
b) When it came to genre, there was a lot of want for comedy. This is something that is backed up by the  idea of escapism that was motioned in why people watched films. At the same time it revealed that even these people that enjoyed comedy also liked our idea and this means that people although they liking one form of genre they also consider other genres. Horror is another favourable genre when it comes to the people we asked and this makes us satisfied that our idea would appeal to a large demographic.
c) When it came to what people wanted from the opening sequences of a film, they agreed practically unanimously that the opening sequence has to contain first and foremost something to engage the audience and keep them interested. Something that nearly all of them seemed to be interested with is that there has got to be something in the film that will be explained later, something that needs to make sense to the plot but not necessarily to the audience though.
d) Another thing that we got was that most people don't watch loads of films, some people will go so far to watch only one or two films a year. This means that any film that we would have to make would have to engage ten fold to the audience, to make the appeal of the film such that out of a couple of films it would the one that would like to see.

All in all we think the results back up our film idea and we are therefore pleased with the prospect of making our film idea. We also now realized that we have got to focus on introducing the character of DR Greenwood as well as:
a) including enough action to make the film exiting
b) to provide a few questions that will later on be explained, something which will engage the audience.
c) enough scary moments to create the horror theme

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