Wednesday 4 May 2011

Music, Colour & Lighting...

            We created our music using 'Garageband' a software on the mac computers. It was simple, easy way to make music- which is copyright free. We used the effects and music clips to help our production flow. We did the music during the end of the editing- that way we could see exactly what we were making the music for.
We knew that we wanted several things:

For this we agreed we had to have the following:
        1. A strong difference between the present day scenes and the past (in the office scenes- to the zombies and the girl running away)
        2) The lighting would have to keep the sense that the running from zombie sequence would happen all on one day even though we would have to film it over several days.
        3) We wanted to capture the colours that are shown through films of the horror genre so we could create that atmosphere. Also keeping that dark, errie tones that many of the films we looked into had.

We were inspired by a few of the films below...

  SIN CITY (2005): Sin city is a film that choses to use black and white. This time it tries to create the atmosphere of both the comic book it is based on which was in black and white and also it wants to relate to film noir.

GLADIATOR (2000): Gladiator inspired the idea of the interlink of time and it pulls this off really well because of the difference in colours between the present day and the future/ afterlife shot. They chose to use a green blurry tint that gave a coldness to the scenes which gave a form of mystery to the scenes. Unfortunatly although this worked for Gladiator where the shot was a reference to the afterlife ours is just a difference in time, so we would take that into consideration.

THE GOOD GERMAN (2006): Although this was recently filmed, it was indeed filmed in black and white. This is only so it relates to the time set in the 1940's- when colour was not yet on televisions. I like the idea of the black and white look- as it's quite edgy dull and dark.

We decided that the black and white effect inspired us to use in our film. It made us see that black and white captures a mysterious, sinister atmosphere. Also the black and white affect gives the sense that this film is set in a past time. We changed the colour of our preliminary to get an idea of how the colour change would affect the mood and atmosphere of the scene:

It is surprising the affect that this slight change of colour has created to the scene and it instantly looks old.

When it comes to lighting for the film we will have to make sure that we film at the same time on each day that we film and that we make sure that it dosen't get too dark or too light. The majority of our shots are outside and thus it will be more difficult because you can control indoor lighting. We can though in the editing process add or take away from the brightness of the shots and this will come in useful to develope simular levels of light.

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